Did you ever notice?


10)    Did you ever notice - some people actually look better with their mask on!

9)   Did you ever notice - The more you watch something cooking the longer it takes.

8)   Did you ever notice at yellow lights - no one ever slows down - in fact that is normally when everyone speeds up.

7)    Did you ever notice - Loud people have no idea they are loud.

6)    Did you ever notice - With no particular person in mind - boring people generally have no clue they are boring.  They believe everything they say is of great importance and people hang on every word.  I would suggest they look at a person's eyes when talking. If the eyes are glazed over, be quiet.

5)    Did you ever notice - Golfers are really bad at arithmetic - it seems they have a really hard time counting past 4 or 5 which is a par for most holes.

4)    Did you ever notice - Is it just me, or do people with British accents seem to be smarter?

3)    Did you ever notice - It is practically impossible to open any package and most bottles unless you have some dangerous tool to assist you.

2)    Did you ever notice - When your significant other, spouse, or good friend eats something that they find distasteful or even disgusting - they will say "taste this" No thank you, I have all the information I need.

1)    Did you ever notice - People in scary movies always do the most stupid stuff.  No way would I open the door with scary music playing in the background, try to escape by crawling under the bed, and worst of all, get in the car with a stranger.


  1. These are all SO true!! I chuckled at every one -- and I particularly like #2 (:

  2. I'm guilty of number two


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