Be Honest

                                                               BE HONEST   

 I would like to hear an honest response at least once from these familiar statements and questions.

10)   You won't hear me make this response, but I will throw it out there - Your significant other asks you "does this dress make me look fat" - the honest option would be - "I don't believe it's the dress--it's more likely the 2 or 3 doughnuts you eat every morning."  Again, not recommended - included for blog purposes only. 

9)    If you are a Jeopardy fan, you know they always ask the contestants the same personal question at the beginning of the show. Are you married?  If the contestant is married the answer is always the same "yes to my beautiful wife sitting in the front row."  Just once, I'd like to hear an honest answer -- "yes, but she is not here because we are going through a nasty divorce."

8)    Golf (you knew I would slip one in) - The professional golfer just won a tournament and during the interview instead of thanking all his support team he honestly says - "I would like thank my team, but they have been pretty worthless, as I have been practicing on my own most of the time."

7)    At the Oscars - "I would like to thank the Academy, but I honestly cannot because they have robbed me of the last three awards I should have won."

6)    Basketball teammate - As he is accepting the award for the championship, he honestly says, "I would like to thank all my teammates for their help and support, but the truth is they could not have won without me."

5)    Your neighbor invites you over for a nice dinner and of course you pay the chef compliments, gushing over the food. Naturally, he offers you seconds.  Your mind starts to spin, because your honest comment would be "that stuff was disgusting I almost threw up, no way I want to eat more."

4)    During your dating days. your best friend set you up with a date and asks you how it went, and you reply, "he had a nice personality." An honest answer would be - "what were you thinking--he was ugly, just plain boring and there won't be a second date."

3)    Everyone who has ever talked to a car salesman or attended a time share presentation has heard the opening phrase "what can I do to earn your business."  His honest words would be, "I am going to try and squeeze every penny I can out of you before you realize what's happening and walk out the door."

2)   At home getting ready to watch TV, the little lady asks, "where's the remote". You turn over a few pillows as if you are helping, but the honest fact is, you have it in your chair and you aren't about to give it up.    

1)     I hope this never happens to me, but here goes - you visit your close friend and neighbor who just had a baby.  You respond like everyone else - "oh he/she is so cute" - when your first honest thought is - "whoa, poor kid." 

Disclaimer:    At no time did I have a particular person in mind - for blog purposes only.


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