
Showing posts from October, 2022

Be Honest

                                                               BE HONEST     I would like to hear an honest response at least once from these familiar statements and questions. 10)     You won't hear me make this response, but I will throw it out there - Your significant other asks you "does this dress make me look fat" - the honest option would be - "I don't believe it's the dress--it's more likely the 2 or 3 doughnuts you eat every morning."  Again, not recommended - included for blog purposes only.  9)     If you are a Jeopardy fan, you know they always ask the contestants the same personal question at the beginning of the show. Are you married?  If the contestant is married the answer is always the same "yes to my beautiful wif...

Did you ever notice?

  10)     Did you ever notice - some people actually look better with their mask on! 9)    Did you ever notice - The more you watch something cooking the longer it takes. 8)    Did you ever notice at yellow lights - no one ever slows down - in fact that is normally when everyone speeds up. 7)     Did you ever notice - Loud people have no idea they are loud. 6)     Did you ever notice - With no particular person in mind - boring people generally have no clue they are boring.  They believe everything they say is of great importance and people hang on every word.  I would suggest they look at a person's eyes when talking. If the eyes are glazed over, be quiet. 5)     Did you ever notice - Golfers are really bad at arithmetic - it seems they have a really hard time counting past 4 or 5 which is a par for most holes. 4)     Did you ever notice - Is it just me, or do people with British accents seem to b...