Questions without real answers

Things I am thinking about when I have way too much time on my hands.

10)     What's the deal with all the superheroes and super villains wearing capes? To me, they just seem to get in the way.  The only thing I can think of is that with all of their tight-fitting clothes, maybe that's where they keep their cellphones and car keys.

9)    Murphy's Law and the Law of Averages have always been confusing to me.  First of all, they are not real laws, and you are not going to jail if you break one.  

8)    What does make sense to me, according to Murphy's law is that if you are running late for a meeting, tee time etc. you will catch every red light, and when you run into traffic, your lane will always be the slowest.   However, if you apply the law of averages, sooner or later you should go through every light and end up in the fastest lane.  Or, how about this--leave home earlier.

7)    Stupidity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result - so they must be talking about golf - right?

6)    We all know about ghosts, and there is popular tv show on CBS about ghosts.  They seem to pass through walls and even through people without the slightest hesitation.  How is it they can walk on a floor, but not fall through it? I'm just saying.

5)    In a prior post I made the observation that when someone misses a short putt or has some other unsettling event, they let out a few expletives and cover it up by saying "excuse my French." It clearly was not French.  My question would be, when the French folks are faced with a similar situation do they say, "Excuse my English?"  

4)  How do you determine who has the armrest in public venues? In airplanes it pretty clear, unless you have the middle seat, but at the movies I still have not figured out which one belongs to me.

3)     Pennies are the smallest amount of currency, yet we use pennies as examples when talking about money.  For example, you probably don't want to be a penny pincher or be penny wise and pound foolish.  Yet, a penny saved is a penny earned, and one of those pennies could be used to purchase your thoughts.  Anyway, that's my two cents.

2)    How do TV weather reporters make a prediction of the weather, by saying today it will be "partly cloudy" and then on another channel, and they say, "partly sunny?" Do you need a metrological degree to make that distinction?  Should I take my umbrella if it is partly cloudy and not so much if it is partly sunny?

1)    People travel all over the world in search for "the meaning of life."  I found the answer fairly early in life, which was reinforced on a trip to Spain.  In an iconic church located on the island of Mallorca, Spain, a looped message was playing in the back of the sanctuary.  On the screen the same statement was presented over and over again "People search all over the world for the meaning of life" and the answer was "living a Christian life and making Him a part of your life every day," which you can find without leaving your home.


  1. These are all good! But I like the last one best because it’s true.

  2. Very thoughtful questions to ponder. You are a very thoughtful person, Mike (:


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