Movie Quotes
Every great movie has at least one memorable line, maybe two. In fact, there is really a good chance you may borrow that line to express yourself or make some point about your current situation. For example, after watching just about any Star Wars movie how long did it take you to tell someone "May the force be with you." Following are a few of my favorites and I am sure you have one or two stored away. 10) Date night, you are dining out with your significant other in a nice restaurant and wanting to impress her with your sophistication, you raise you glass and say, "here's looking at you kid." (Humphrey Bogart - Casablanca) 9) Short phrases that stand the test of time for you to pull out anytime - "I'll be back" (Terminator) - Bond, James Bond - "You talking to me" (Taxi Driver). 8) One of my favorites that I may have used professionally, and one you could use when trying to close a deal-- "show m...