Why fly when you can drive


Most adults, with the exception of my sister-in-law, Susan, have traveled in an airplane at least once. Clearly there are good reasons to fly when a car just will not do. However, the following are ten things you should consider before hopping on your next flight.

10)    The most obvious reason is you may get there faster when you fly.  That is of course - assuming you get to the airport in time to catch your flight - get through the long check-in lines - security, weather delays - and cancellations for any number of other reasons.

9)    Think about what they are asking you to do before you board - stuff yourself inside this long-pressurized tube with a bunch of strangers, while you climb to about 35,000 feet, (6 miles) way above the clouds, at a speed of about 500 miles an hour, but don't worry it's really very safe.  Where are my car keys?

8)  When going through the security line your shoes come off, coats are removed, bags are searched, and the scanner reveals your innermost secrets, or you can hop in the car and go with no middle seats, no connecting flights, no overhead suitcases falling down, and you can play any music you like, you can even sing along.

7)    If your car runs into bumps along the route pull over, slow down or just take another route, but if your aircraft runs into bumps - pray.

6)    Enjoy the scenery from the plane way up in the sky through your very small screen, otherwise known as a window - or if driving when you come upon some beautiful landscape or picturesque town pull over, have a picnic or find the ice cream shop.
5)    Enjoy the space in your automobile, back seat or front seat - you choose - or roll the dice and wrestle for the armrest from some large person who seems to want to hijack your space.  This is the second time you will need to pray - for a seatmate with good hygiene.

4)    My personal favorite - when nature calls while riding down I-95 I can stop anytime I choose - rest stops, gas stations or even the Wa-Wa.  I don't need to wait for some light to come on or bell that says its ok to get up and "go." into this tiny bathroom. It's time to pray again that the line is not very long.

3)    When dinner time approaches while flying, bring on the beverage and peanuts or pretzels snack, or when driving how about a stop at Smithfield's Chicken and Barbeque or go crazy and find a Texas Roadhouse.

2)    When driving, the chances of my luggage showing up at the same time I do are nearly 100% - not so much when flying - see you at the carousel.   

1)    Those flotation devices sound really good during the airline safety briefing, but unless Captain Sully is landing your plane in the water, the chances of you being able to use them are really low.  I will take my chances escaping through the driver side window.



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