Things I don't quite "get"


10)    Exactly what are "capris." They are too short for slacks and too long for shorts.

9)    Why do so many people wear their caps backwards - it seems to me you would want to advertise your favorite team or brand, not to mention that the bill of the cap protects you from the sun.

8)    YETI  -  How does it know when to keep cool drinks cool and hot drinks hot?

7)     When you are in the left turn ONLY lane, why do you still need to give a signal?

6)    When you are out at a fine dining restaurant and spaghetti is served - to not embarrass yourself, do you use the twirling fork method, cut it with a fork and knife, or just slurp it down and hope none gets on your shirt or dress.

5)    Everyone I know always purchases Grade "A" eggs - do they even have Grade "B" eggs - what about Grade "C" or even better give me a few of those Grade "AA" eggs.

4)    We now have cars that drive themselves, some that never use gas (pretty smart at the moment), currency that is not even real and I am still trying to understand how electricity works.

3)    I don't understand when events/life go bad, people say things like  "well that went south" - why not east or west or my preference - north.

2)   How and when did we lose free television?  I suspect most households pay over $100 a month for what use to be free - bring back the rabbit ears and antennas.

1)    Modern man has become the six- million -dollar man - for example I have a pacemaker implanted in my heart as well as a defibrillator - pins for my urolift - tooth implants - artificial lens in my eyes - mesh in my abdomen to repair a hernia, special insoles molded for my feet and hearing aids for my ears.      And thanks to it all, I can still praise God. 

Note: Bonus points for anyone who knows the statue above.


  1. So nice of you to use Baker's statue 😅

  2. You ask some very legitimate questions Mike. If you get the answers please share. As for the statue, I asked Carla and she doesn’t know who he is. I have no clue.

    I enjoy reading your blog!

    1. The statue is st.michael - taken right outside the Vatican- thanks for reading- not playing as much golf so I started blogging with a bunch of top ten lists. Sandra barker got me started. Hope u guys are doing well and enjoying those cute little grandkids- there are the best.

  3. I wear capris in the summer all the time, but I can see why they might raise the question. But, I do love #3 -- I mean, for sure, when something goes wrong, it might be better to say, "Well, that went east -- right into the Atlantic Ocean!" (lame, I know!) - Sandra

  4. I’m with you on the egg mystery. Shouldn’t grades B and C cost less?? As for the free TV, I am happy to report I have 4 tv’s all with rabbit ears. All free - no cable bill. :) Trish Barker


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