Observations while sitting on a bench in Disney World


Disney World is in fact a magical place like no other.  On a recent trip during a brief rest on a main street bench I made several observations.

10)    It is a people watching mecca.  While I was sitting on the bench, I counted approximately 140-150 happy faces pass by me every minute.

9)    Speaking of happy faces, when they enter early in the morning there are smiles and great expectations by everyone coming thru the gates - by four p.m. in the afternoon - the pace has slowed dramatically, benches are nowhere to be found, and a little different look on these exhausted faces who have spent most of the day in seemingly never-ending lines.

8)    Disney makes an absolute fortune selling T-shirts.

7)    If you see a lady wearing a dress and a man with long sleeves and/or sports coat they are very important cast members.

6)    Half of the "guests" are running/moving at very quick pace to their next ride and the other half are pretty much lost, searching or trying to decide on their next move. What you do not see or at least very rarely are the paper maps.  They have an app for that, and they are on the phone.  An exception to this is when "grandpa" is leading the pack.

5)    Disney is the stroller capital of the world for pushing the little ones around and the seniors with their motorized strollers - do not challenge or get in the way.

4)    Disney is a lot of walking - so you should wear your most comfortable shoes, and apparently that is flip flops for a great number of folks.

3)    Disney is very expensive and gets more expensive every year - your house, your car and then a Disney vacation.  Think about it, you have your transportation cost for the trip to Disney, your accommodations, tickets, parking, lightning tickets, park hoppers, food and $3.50 for a bottle of water.

2)    Disney vacations are meant to be shared with close friends and relatives - if you see a single person, he/she is lost and probably looking for their family.

1)    So why is Disney World so popular, you cannot put a price tag on the look of your family when they enter the gates.


  1. Ha! I concur with all of these assessments! - Derek

  2. This is all so true! Good observations, but tell me - did you really count the faces you saw in a minute or was that just a good guesstimate? Hmmm.... makes me want to go back to Disney again real soon -- not! Thanks! Sandra

  3. Good observations - for two years we lived only 15 miles from Disney. Although I played golf there many times, we only visited the park once. Vey expensive and tiring even in 1984, but and excellent family day!


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