Golf is a Crazy Game - Ten Reasons Why


10)    Modern golf started when some guy over in Scotland decided to dig a four- and one-half inch hole in the middle of a field and make a ball small enough to fit and oh yeah, how about a wooden stick to help you get in the hole.

9)    That sounded like so much fun, this Scottish guy said let's do it seventeen more times.

8)    With most sports, controlling a moving ball is normally the challenge, but with golf, the ball just sits there, teed up in perfect position - how hard can it be to hit it down the fairway.

7)    With about every other sport if you or your team scores the most points/touchdowns, etc. you generally win.  Not so much with golf - if your score is higher than your opponent meaning you took more strokes you LOSE!!!

6)    Golf has this rule about not touching the ball - don't do it, even if it is behind a tree, in the tall grass, or the ditch.  Over time, I have noticed that the guy with the fastest cart finds his ball in the best position.

5)    Most sports you can scream and holler for your favorite team/player - nope not golf, you must remain completely silent as he/she prepares to hit the ball and a polite clap if it goes into the hole. (An Exception to this rule is Tiger Woods, everyone screams and hollers when he is playing.)

4)   Most sports require a uniform so you can separate the good guys from the bad guys.  Not so much with golfers.  They dress like the mannequins you see in the sport stores.  The only item you will see on every golfers clothing is the name of their sponsor. It is all over their hats, pants, shirts and even their shoes, a virtual walking billboard.

3)    To say golfers are Primadonnas is a huge understatement.  For example, some big dude or a very strong woman lugs your 40 lb. bag for all 18 holes.  Additionally, they compute the exact distance to the hole, pick out the club you should use for that distance, and when you get to the green, they tell you how the putt is going to break into the hole.  If the golfer feels they need more help, they have a special book in their back pocket which gives them essentially the same info. (That book is of course is prepared by someone else).

2)    Of all the holes played in golf, everyone's favorite is the 19th hole, otherwise known as the clubhouse, where "stories" are exchanged served with food and drink.

 1)    The number one crazy thing about golf is if you are good enough to win one of those weekend tournaments you just became a millionaire - if it happens to be the U. S Open 2.2 million.



  1. So funny - and so true! #4 is my favorite LOL of the group. Sandra

  2. “I have a tip that can take five strokes off anyone’s game: it’s called an eraser.”

  3. Baker said thank you sincerely for trying to help us understand the absolute absurdity of golf ha ha


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