Friends - Top Ten


10)    There are no friends like old friends.

9)    If you are lucky, you will have one best friend with each passing generation, and 3-5 good friends during your lifetime.  If you are really lucky that one best friend will be with you every generation.

8)    A best friend will agree with you because you will be on the same page most of the time, but yet he/she is not afraid to challenge you when necessary.

7)     Your best friend will loan you money, but never more than he/she can afford to lose.

6)     Your best friend is really old if he/she still uses these phrases " leave a message on the answering machine," "call me a cab", and "they are going steady."

5)    If your best friend is younger and perhaps from a different generation you will communicate very differently - you must be able to " Tweet," "Poke," and "Tag."

4)    Your best friend will not hesitate to let you know if your zipper is down, you have food between your teeth or something unsightly is hanging from your nose.

3)    Your best friends are the people who know you really well and like you anyway.

2)    The only way to have a best friend is to be one.

1)    Finally, the Bible tells us " A man that has friends must show himself friendly and there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.  (Proverbs: 18:24)


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