European Travels


Ava and I have been blessed over the past few years to travel to Europe several times.  We saw so many iconic sights that I have only seen on TV or the movies.  I will not bore you with a slide show, but I will share some of my observations.

  • If you wear shorts in Europe, you are probably an American - this is especially true if you are walking in a pair of white sneakers.
  • Tipping is an American tradition - not expected in Europe unless of course you are an American.
  • Finally, if you speak only one language you most likely an American.
  • If you go to the bathroom, make sure you have a Euro handy.
  • MacDonalds, which are everywhere is free option.  We met two young ladies at MacDonalds in Thallium Estonia who had never met an American and we had a nice conversation about nothing.
  • The Pyramids are really huge (10-15 ft. blocks) and you can go inside with a special tour.
  • The size of the Eiffel Tower will surprise you - wide enough to drive a car underneath.  We had lunch on the second floor.
  • Istanbul broadcast their prayers over loudspeakers every day which you can hear anywhere in the city.  To have that privilege you must memorize the entire book of the Koran (604 pages).
  • Monaco is the cleanest city you will see and has some of the most expensive real estate in the world.  It is also the second smallest country in the world. 
  • Of course, the Vatican is the smallest protected by the smallest army in the world, that honor goes to the Swiss guard.
  • The Mona Lisa is a surprisingly small painting (30in. by 21in.).  It is however located in the world's largest and most visited museum in the world, the Louvre, Paris, France.
  • The second largest museum in the world is located in St. Petersburg, Russia - the Hermitage. You do not have to be an art lover to enjoy the paintings and artifacts. (i.e. Madonna and Child).
  • To travel from the Rock of Gibraltar, which is a British colony to Spain, you have to cross over an airplane runway.  Airplanes have the right of way.
  • Visiting the beaches of Normandy with the gun torrents still in place is one thing but visiting the Normandy-American Cemetery is quite sobering.
  • I believe the Leaning Tower of Pisa could fall at any time.  We chose not to climb to the top.
  • The Statue of David is almost 9ft. tall, no bodyfat anywhere. No pictures or they will throw you out - just ask Ava.
  • No one really looks forward to flying these days - turbulence is real.  My pilot friend tells me you will not go down because of it - the difference is if my car hits a bump I can pull over.  In the air you can only fasten your seatbelt.
  • BTW I flew First Class once, they have the same bumps.
  • Michael Jordan enjoyed his honeymoon on the Greek isle of Mykonos at the same time we visited.  We did not receive an invitation to his yacht for the reception.
  • Finally, everyone knows Mickey Mouse.
 Safe Travels


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