Getting Older

Getting older is not for sissies or the faint of heart and not to make you feel depressed or even sad - here are a few honest observations - its life. 10) To the person who said you are not getting older you are getting better, I want to sell you, my timeshare. 9) Jeopardy and the Wheel of Fortune are becoming two of your favorite TV shows. 8) Age is just a number - yeah, a big one. 7) Getting older is in fact a gift - it gives you the one thing in life you cannot buy - time. 6) You have reached a point where more people open doors for you - and speaking of open - the little pack of ketchup/mustard from a fast-food joint becomes a real challenge. 5) The worst compliment you can receive is - "you look great for your age" - really? What does that even mean. What age are you referring to - either you look good, or you don't. 4) As you get older and use your bi-focals on a reg...