Aliens and Sports

First of all, I have never met an Alien, meaning someone from another planet. If I did, I would have a lot of questions as I'm sure he/she would. Initially, we may discuss politics, how he got here, and what life is about on his planet. At some point we may approach the subject of sports, as it is a big part of our culture. So, in this top ten list I will cover how I would explain our sporting activities to an Alien. 10) We have a sport called boxing. Two men and sometimes women get into an 18- 22ft. square ring and try to knock each other unconscious. 9) Football - Played on 100-yard field where 11 men on each side take turns running and catching an oblong ball. The goal is to knock down your opponent before he can reach a certain point. 8) Baseball - Again played on an open field where you try to throw a little white ball by an opponent at a rate of 100 miles an hour. Not to worry, your opponent ha...